System of Higher Education in Morocco
What is the body in charge?
The Higher education is administered by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Research.
Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Research
In addition, there are a number of other ministries supervising a number of higher education schools and institutes.
The Higher Education sector in Morocco is run by Khalid Samadi, Secretary of State to the Minister of Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, in charge of Higher Education and Research.
Higher Education is considered to be one of the key strategic sectors Morocco is relying upon to achieve its political stability, economic prosperity and cultural renaissance.
What is the nature of Higher Education in Morocco?
Source: Overview of the System of Higher Education in Morocco/EACEA – 2017
Higher Education in Morocco includes private institutions, privately-run institutions and public institutions. Public Higher education institutions can be broken down into two types: Open-access and limited-access. Public Higher education institutions face a number of challenges such as overcrowding, a low supervision rate, poor infrastructure and a meagre budget earmarked for research. As far as administration is concerned, these institutions suffer from weak human resources, absence of continuing training and the delay in adopting modern information and communication technologies.
The LMD (Bachelor, Master, PhD) system has been introduced in Morocco after it spread in the western countries late last century thanks to its qualities and advantages, namely the establishment of a link between higher education programs and the needs of the workplace as well a system of “career path” and “cross-over points” that allow students to cross over from one career path to another in accordance with the rules and regulations in place. This system also gives students a chance to pursue their studies in Europe and elsewhere since it is an international system. However, after 15 years of implementation the LMD system did not achieve the set objectives due to its hasty implementation and its unsuitability to the realities of higher education Morocco.