Scientific Events in Morocco
December 2024
April 2024 2022 Re-envisioning Higher Education for a Post-Pandemic World: Apprehensions, Challenges and Prospects Online International Conference “COVID-19 & CT-enabled EDUCATION” Morocco to Host IMF-WBG Meetings in 2021, the First African Country to Host Since 1973 14th ISF: International Scientific Forum 2019, Marrakech [October 3-5, 2019] International Forum: Today’s Islamic Feminisms: National and Transnational Perspectives[June 7-9, 2019] april 2019 New Perspectives in the Study of Language, Culture, and Translation[April 24-25, 2019] QS World Grad School Tour Casablanca[February 21, 2019] Dakhla to Host 1st African Forum on Vocational Training[December 21-22, 2018] Morocco Hosts International Conference on Renewables [December 5-8, 2018] EuroSciCon Conference on “Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Musculoskeletal disorder” to be held at Amsterdam, Netherlands [November 29-30, 2018] Marrakech Hosts 21st WB-IMF Annual Meetings [October, 2018] Morocco Invites Diaspora Experts from Canada to Develop Aeronautics[October 1-5, 2018] World Congress of African Llinguistics 9 [August 25-28, 2018] Pre-WOCAL9 Training in Theory and Methods of Language Documentation[August 11-20, 2018] Morocco to Host Parlacen’s 1st Meeting on Immigration [July 4-6, 2018] Second National Conference of Doctoral Students [May 16, 2018] CFP Multilingualism and Education [May 9-10, 2018] Morocco to Hold Emerging Economies Summit [May 8-10, 2018] “ Graduate student workshop [April 18-20, 2018] Morocco Hosts 7th Digital Earth Summit 2018 [April 17-19, 2018] International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization [April 11-13, 2018] Quality as ‘Common Denominator’: First International Education Quality Conference Begins in Agadir [March 14-16, 2018] Agadir to Host 1st Annual International Conference on Education Quality [March 14-16, 2018] Forum ENSAT Entreprises to Launch 12th Edition [March 8-9, 2018] Intensive Aorist Gemination in Moroccan Amazigh: Putting the Pieces of the Puzzle together [March 7, 2018] First Colloquium on Language Contact in Education: Theory and Pedagogy (LCETP) [February 27-28, 2018] Marrakech to Host 15th Annual Officine Expo [February 23-24, 2018] Morocco Hosts 1st Summit of World Merit Councils [February 20-24, 2018] Marrakech Hosts Conference on Growth, Jobs & Inclusiveness in Arab World [January 29-30, 2017] Second National Conference Under the theme “Quality Assurance in English Studies in Moroccan Higher Education” [14 December 2017] The 6th Atlantic Dialogues 2017 [13-15 December 2017] Laayoune Forum Celebrates ‘Creation and African Women Leadership’ [7-9 December 2017] Morocco Hosts Africa-China High Level Business Forum [November 27-28, 2017] China-Africa Investment Forum in Morocco [November 27-28, 2017] Nigerian First Lady Chairs Joint Businesswomen Summit in Marrakech [November 15-20, 2017] Freedom of conscience and belief: between recognition and coexistence [November 18, 2018] Typology and evolution of the negative system in Tamazight [October 20, 2017] Structural and algorithmic geolinguistic complexity in Tamazight [October 18, 2017] The syntax & morphology of number [March 27, 2017] The contradictions of US immigration policy”: Laboratoire Valeurs, Société et Développement/MACECE [28 Feb, 2017] International conference on New Media: Interactions and Transactions [23-24 Feb, 2017] Cultural EventsCall for Papers Good morning! I have submitted my proposal to First Colloquium on Language Contact in Education: Theory and Pedagogy. As I understood the answer about its acceptance or not could be received util ending of January. But I’m postdoctoral researcher with own scientific project who has to quite strictly plan all my scientific activities and also spending money for the next year. Would be it possible to get the answer earlier – in the ending of this year? This would help also organize a trip from Latvia to Morocco in the case of acceptance. Hoping to Your understanding and quick response. Posted by: Solvita Poseik [November 5, 2017 at 8:46 PM ]
[June 24-25, 2021]
[February 3-4, 2021]
october 2019
june 2019
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august 2018
july 2018
may 2018
Global Education and Teaching Methods”/Postponed [May 9-10, 2018]april 2018
march 2018
february 2018
january 2018
december 2017
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march 2017
february 2017
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Posted by: Finola Deus [May 24, 2018 at 11:00 AM ]