Civic Education in MoroccoBrowse in ArabicBrowse in French
⌈ What is civic education? ⌉ Any program (inside an educational institution or civil society organization) involved in civic engagement . ⌈ What are the goals? ⌉ The goal of civic education is to help citizens become actively engaged in solving community issues and work towards a more participatory democracy. Civic education seeks to raise awareness of citizens about their basic rights and duties. ⌈ How can I get involved? ⌉ Individuals and groups can get involved by creating civic education programs/teaching materials or by creating a civil society organization active in a civic engagement domain. ⌈ Reports ⌉ ⌈ Leading Figures of civic engagement ⌉ Aïcha Chenna Related Terms civics: The study of rights and duties of a citizen. ⌈ ADD A COMMENT ⌉
Posted by: Wol
[October 30, 2017 at 7:57 PM ]